New Paragraph
Some personal hand created work
'Slack Rope II' 24" x 24"
Mixed Media - 2023
Both figures are laser cut from Latvian Birch with subsequent texturing. Finished image resembles pewter, the light catches the two figures exceptionally well.
'Balance I ' - 22" x 22" - 2022
Mixed Media
Laser cut image of a slack rope walker on a 12" x 12" canvas painting which is fixed to a larger painting of clouds.
' Rebel Without a Cause ' - 23.5" x 9.5" - Framed : 26" x 12"
Mixed Media
Based on the iconic image of James Dean, this was three laser cuts on card, hand painted with acrylic and mounted on black card with a raised air gap to give a sense of dimension.
' Greta Garbo' - 36"x24" - Unframed
Acrylic on 18mm Board - 2022
The iconic visual of Greta Garbo during her heyday, and one I really like. The headscarf is iridescent, the tones change with the light as you move, an interesting effect.
'Digital Life' - 24" x 36" - Unframed
Mixed Media on 18mm Board - 2021
This is based on a collection of my old phones which represent twenty years of my life in digital communications. To make it more intriguing I wired LED lights behind the phones so when you press the silver button they turn on to give a subtle illumination which works well in low light. The credit cards represent what is seen as value which in reality is worthless pieces of plastic, technically, this piece has the residual value of the cards until they expire. I come from a time where coins and notes represented value and a phone was tethered to a socket in the wall. Now I am standing on a threshold at the mercy of the digital world.
'Radio Ga Ga' - 36" x 24" - Framed
Acrylic on Textured Board - 2022
An experiment with iridescent paint, I textured the board some time back and had it primed ready for something. I quickly realized that creating straight lines or any line for that matter, on a textured surface was not an easy path to follow, but I persevered. I did not know where I was going with this visual but now I can see a connection in it to my own interest and love for Art Nouveau.
'View from Craiganee' - 24" x 36" - Unframed
Acrylic on 18mm Board - 2021
The view from the dorma of my home, in winter the sky sometimes turns pink and Knocklayd mountain a blue grey, the conifers find shadow and shade in the morning and silhouette in the evening as the last rays of sunlight illuminate the field in front, before vanishing over the high ground behind. The landscape here was carved by melt water from an ice sheet some 10,000 years ago, the blue rim around the painting represents that.
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